///New Bionic eye invented with Potential to completely change Robotics and Augment Humanity

New Bionic eye invented with Potential to completely change Robotics and Augment Humanity

A new human-like bionic eye has recently been created that offers huge potential in robotics and human augmentation

On Wednesday, researchers from Hong Kong University published a paper in Nature detailing work on a bionic eye. The team has already developed a prototype robotic eye that could provide better visual input to humanoid robots or even be used to restore vision in the visually impaired..

The scientists who designed it say the device has the potential to be far more sensitive than the human eye. It will be able to see smaller objects at further distances as well as having the capability to distinguish between the visible and infrared spectrum. Theoretically, it could be implanted in a human, not only restoring sight but also giving them superhuman vision, including the ability to see in the dark.

The way it works is very much the same as a biological eye. Light projected onto a lens on the front of the eye is focused onto the artificial nanowire retina. The light data goes through the wires, which also serve as the visual cortex. A computer then interprets the information. It even has a functional iris.

The EC-Eye is the latest breakthrough in potential human augmentation we have seen recently. Other teams have made strides in both arm and leg prosthetics, with some successfully interfacing organic nerves with synthetics. It really is the beginning of the technology seen in the Deus Ex franchise.

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