//Go on a digital detox with the Paper Phone app

Go on a digital detox with the Paper Phone app

If you think you spend too much time using your phone each day (like many of us) , a new app called Paper Phone has been launched thats been designed by its developers, as part of the Experiments with Google collection, to help “people who feel that they struggle to find a balance with technology,”

So what does it do for you, or how can it help you?

Apparently it;

offers a break from screen time by printing a personal booklet of information from users’ phones that they need for the day, like contact information, maps, and meetings. It can also print “paper apps” for recipes, phrasebooks or notes.

So how does this all work, or how do you use it?

Once installed, the app guides users through the process of exporting their selected information and either printing it or saving it as a PDF. Then the content is printed into a foldable booklet for carrying around during the day.

Apart from Paper Phone, Google has apparently created 5 new apps to help people reduce the amount of time they spend in front of screens, as there is increasing concern about how much time we spend using them each day, and break our dependence on phones and other gadgets – especially children, who are much more vulnerable to their effects.

Click the link to learn more, and find out where you can get the app.

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