//Could lab-grown seafood lead to the end of Commercial fishing?
lab grown food

Could lab-grown seafood lead to the end of Commercial fishing?

Could we eventually all end up eating lab-grown seafood, and could this lead to the end of commercial fishing?

Why could this happen, and when?

A San Diego startup called BlueNalu has managed to secure $20million in funding. It plans to expand its lab-grown seafood business as an ethical and sustainable alternative to commercial fishing.

The new funds will help BlueNalu build a production facility and start a new pilot program. They hope that will help them bring their product one step closer to market.

BlueNalu’s main product so far is yellowtail amberjack, which unlike other alternative seafood products can withstand a wide range of cooking techniques and preparations.

Many other recent meat replacements such as the Impossible Burger are made from plant products. However, BlueNalu’s seafood products are grown from muscle tissue cells taken from real fish. For example, BlueNalu’s yellowtail amberjack is grown from real fish cells processed in a bioreactor, and then 3D printed into a filet shape.

BlueNalu’s chief technical officer Chris Dammann described the company’s manufacturing process as ‘an extraordinary technical feat.’

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