//iPhone 9 and iPhone 12 launch may be delayed due to Coronavirus outbreak

iPhone 9 and iPhone 12 launch may be delayed due to Coronavirus outbreak

The iPhone 12 series and the iPhone 9 are the new phones Apple is planning to present this year in its mobile catalog. here are four versions planned, each with high-end specifications; This is to be followed by a second more accessible and compact-sized version, more similar to the iPhone SE.
The iPhone 9 (or iPhone dry, or iPhone SE 2) will be announced in March, and the iPhone 12 will be released in September.
However, the coronavirus is likely to affect Apple’s plans and its smartphones may take longer to get released than originally planned by the company.

Apple’s relationship with China

The production of the different iPhone models has slowed down as the companies in charge of the assembly are not receiving enough of the necessary parts to do their job. At this point, it should be noted that most of the parts that Apple uses in its phones comes from China , the main country affected by the coronavirus.

In early February Apple decided to close its retail stores and offices in China, following the advice of experts. In early February Apple decided to close its retail stores and offices in China, following the advice of experts
According to data from the World Health Organization, the coronavirus originating from China, its epicenter, has led to more than 2,700 deaths and about 78,000 infections. Although there is a stagnation in that country, the disease has spread to other regions of the world, where the number of fatalities amounts to 40.

According to a report from the Phone Arena site, in the worst-case Apple’s smartphones would be delayed a few months. In that regard, an industry analyst said in statements to Bloomberg that it will take at least a full month for firms that supply components to the US to resume their total production capacity.
In addition to closing stores, the coronavirus may hamper the production targets that Apple had for the iPhone as well.
In this context, Ming Chi-Kuo, a renowned analyst in the Apple universe, initially expected the company to sell in 2020 between 30 and 40 million units of the iPhone 9 (or SE 2), but due to the impact of the coronavirus now estimates that figure will be in the range of 20 to 30 million.
Other insiders cited by the source consider that the only one affected by the outbreak of the disease would be that accessible model, as it was expected to be presented in March, and that the production of the iPhone 12 would “save” the delay, arriving in a timely manner. The month Apple usually presents its flagship phones in September.
Once the consequences of the coronavirus on international markets are known, within the smartphone business the main impact (or the most resonant) has been the cancellation of the 2019 Mobile World Congress, which was scheduled for the days of 24, 25, 26 and 27 of this month in Barcelona, ​​where a significant number of manufacturers in the sector were going to present updated versions in their catalog. Not so Apple, which usually chooses to do it in its own events, without sharing the stage.