//Amazon tests Whole Foods payment system that uses hands as ID

Amazon tests Whole Foods payment system that uses hands as ID

Leave your titanium card at home. Amazon’s newest payment method, the Apple Card, is based on human blood.

The Post has learnt that Amazon’s engineers are covertly testing scanners that can recognise a single human hand as a way to ring up a retail purchase, with the objective of implementing them at its Whole Foods supermarket chain in the coming months.

According to people briefed on the plans, employees at Amazon’s New York offices are acting as guinea pigs for the biometric technology, using it to buy drinks, chips, granola bars, and phone chargers from a handful of vending machines.

The high-tech sensors differ from fingerprint scanners available on devices such as the iPhone in that they do not require users to physically touch the scanning surface with their hands.

Instead, they evaluate and identify the shape and size of each hand they scan using computer vision and depth geometry before charging a credit card on file.

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